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Twinkies Chocolate Cake 385g

Twinkies Chocolate Cake 385g

Regular price €8,99 EUR
Regular price €6,99 EUR Sale price €8,99 EUR
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Hostess Twinkies are a classic American snack cake made by Hostess Brands. The Twinkies Chocolate cake is a variation of the original Twinkies recipe and is made with a moist chocolate cake exterior and a creamy filling. The cakes are individually wrapped and are a portable and convenient treat for people on the go. They can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert and are a popular choice for lunch boxes and parties. Hostess Twinkies are known for their long shelf life, making them a convenient option to have on hand for when the craving strikes.

Zutaten:Weizenmehl,Wasser, Zucker, Glukosesirup *, Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup *, Backfett (Sojaöl, l *, Baumwollsamen&ouml, l *, Raps&ouml, l , Rinderfett ), Kakao, Eier, Traubenzucker, Backtriebmittel [Natriumbikarbonat (E500), Disodium Phosphate (E450), modifizierte Maisstärke *, Calciumphosphaten (E341)], Emulgatoren [Sojalecithin *, Mono und Diglyceride von Speisefettsäuren (E471), Polysorbat 60 (E435), Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate (E481)], Glucose , Molkenpulver (Milch), Glycerin, Sojaöl, l *, Salz, Konservierungsmittel [Sorbinsäure (E200), Kaliumsorbat (E202)], Stabilisatoren [Xanthan Gum (E415), Cellulose Gum (E468)], Aromastoffe , künstliche Farben [Tartrazin (E102²) **, Allurarot (E129²) **].


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